Can You Be Sued as an Individual Supervisor for Harassment if You Didnt Know About It

A woman at work thinking can you sue for harassment

Can You Sue Your Employer for Harassment? Hither's What You Need to Know

Are You Experiencing Workplace Harassment?

According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Committee (EEOC), harassment in the workplace is a class of employment bigotry that violates the Championship Seven of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

The Committee defines harassment as unwelcome deport based on ane's:

  • Race
  • Color
  • Religion
  • Sex activity (including sexual orientation, gender identity , or pregnancy)
  • Nationality or national origin
  • Older age (first at 40 years erstwhile)
  • Disabilities
  • Genetic information (i.e., family medical history)

Sometimes, it tin exist difficult to know whether or not an incident can be deemed illegal. Nearly trivial annoyances and isolated incidents (unless fierce or extreme) don't rise to the level of legality. If you feel yous've been harassed in the workplace and desire to know if you tin can sue your employer, proceed reading!

Harassment in the workplace

In full general, in that location are two types of harassment in the workplace : quid pro quo and hostile work environment.

Quid pro quo harassment is a blazon of sexual harassment that includes an imbalance of power, such as between a subordinate and a supervisor, or a recruiter and a candidate. In quid pro quo harassment, there is an substitution of sexual favors for a benefit, whether coerced or not.

A few examples of exchanges that may exist involved in quid pro quo harassment are:

  • Ensuring a position or promotion
  • Promising favorable work assignments, shifts, or placements
  • Threatening someone'southward position with an unfavorable performance review or pay cut
  • Threatening a demotion or termination

On the other hand, hostile work surround harassment includes both sexual harassment cases and incidents of bigotry, including harassing someone based on their national origin, sexuality, or religion. Hostile work surround occurs when the harassment creates an unfavorable or, namely, hostile surroundings for those involved or even witnesses.

The victim of hostile work environment harassment doesn't have to be the one being harassed. Instead, anyone who feels that repeated harassment is making the workplace a toxic and uncomfortable environment to work in tin footstep forward and file a complaint.

Here are some examples of hostile work environment harassment:

  • Jokes, messages, and comments about someone's characteristics, including sexual orientation, race, gender, etc.
  • Persistent and unwanted invitation to get on dates
  • Mentioning racial slurs, in text messages or verbally

Suing Your Employer for Harassment

It's easy to second gauge yourself when you've been a victim of harassment .

Sometimes, despite the prove you've collected, y'all still need confirmation to movement forward and take action.

And so, how do you differentiate between harmless jabs and unlawful harassment ? To start with, here are a few examples of things considered harassment:

  • When the harassing behavior is severe and frequent plenty that it creates a hostile work surround
  • Your employers strength you to tolerate it, creating an unhealthy work civilization in the process
  • A reasonable person considers the harassment unwelcome and combative
  • When physical violence, or set on, is involved

Tin can Yous Sue for Harassment?

In curt, you can sue both your employer and the harasser for harassment. You lot tin sue your employer for damages, including:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost income
  • Emotional distress
  • Furnishings on your mental wellness
  • Whatever physical damage to your items or personal property

Still, the process is often taxing to navigate through and you'll need guidelines to help y'all set for the upcoming boxing.

So, how do yous know if you take a strong enough case to sue your employer and harasser?

It depends on the frequency and severity of the incident. Information technology also depends on whether or not you tin prove the harassment has taken place. Furthermore, depending on the severity of the case, harassment can be a gross misdemeanor or a felony.

How to Prepare to Sue for Harassment

When you lot're in dubiousness about what yous should do next, here are a few tips on how to set up a workplace discrimination lawsuit or a harassment lawsuit.

*Note that we are not equipped to give legal communication. These are full general guidelines, and you should contact a lawyer for in-depth guidance on how to proceed with your harassment instance or charge of bigotry.

1. File a harassment complaint with your visitor's HR department

Some people might recollect that the Human Resource department'southward job is to protect the visitor at all costs, even at the expense of the employees. But if your visitor has a corking culture and has undergone ideals training , they're actually in that location to protect employees.

Although it might be uncomfortable, you need to notify your company of the harassing behavior before you sue for harassment. Even if you feel similar your harassment claims may be swept under the rug, it's necessary to try and resolve things internally first. Filing a complaint is also a manner yous tin prove that your employers are violating employment laws and preventing yous from performing well. A filed complaint is also the showtime of a paper trail of show.

If you're an employer, consider investing in HR training , so your HR personnel knows how to handle a sexual harassment claim.

ii. Collect whatsoever and all testify

Collect every piece of evidence that you can get your hands on. Start collecting evidence every bit early every bit you can and make sure that you're keeping them in a safe place.

For example, if someone messaged y'all with offensive messages, take a screenshot and sync it to your personal cloud. Fifty-fifty if they deleted the message later, you could prove that the incident happened.

Another example is writing a letter of the alphabet asking the offender to finish the harassment instead of against them verbally, every bit it proves that the harasser knows that what they are doing is causing you lot distress.

iii. Proceed detailed notes/documentation on the incidents

Detailed documentation tin help you retrieve the events surrounding the harassment. They also make it easier for others to see the damages done by the harasser and the pattern backside the harassment.

Be as specific every bit you can in documenting your harassment case. Include things like when the harassment happens, what was said or done, any potential witnesses, and the amercement y'all've suffered from the harassment.

Additionally, writing down your feelings near the harassment as well helps to establish the emotional distress that you're going through and how it affects your mental health.

iv. Take pictures of any injuries if applicative

Equally a function of keeping detailed documentation, taking note of all damage y'all've suffered is important to prove how the harassment affected your life. Salve any medical bills that y'all may accept received due to the injuries caused by the harassment.

If you suffered any injuries, taking pictures will bear witness the concrete damage caused by the harassment as well. (You should also take pictures of physical damage to whatsoever of your personal belongings, besides as proceed the item itself as show.)

v. Gather witnesses and their accounts

Finding witnesses to support your claim will brand your example much stronger. Recording what happened during the harassment incident through the witnesses' point of view is necessary, as it proves that some other person saw the incident happen.

Additionally, you should ask them to support your claim in court if needed.

vi. Seek professional person legal aid and build your instance

Seek legal counsel to help you navigate the process, make sure that your case is airtight, and develop strategies before taking legal action.

A constabulary firm would be familiar with both your local employment laws, state laws, federal laws, and specific harassment laws. Assistance from professional legal counsel will too make it easier for y'all to build a stronger case, sympathize your legal rights, and become what you're due.

Harassment Training with Inspired eLearning

Investing in harassment grooming can help you forestall harassment in your workplace. Effective training and education is your system'south first line of defense.

For employers, sufficient harassment preparation will prevent adventitious harassment cases, deter potential perpetrators, and prevent potential lawsuits.

Some states also require businesses to do harassment training , including Nevada, Mississippi, and California.

Desire to prevent sexual harassment from happening in your workplace? Here are five strategies we recommend you lot follow to ensure that your company is protected confronting sexual harassment.


Alexis Best

Content marketer with five years of experience in the deject security and compliance manufacture. Using SEO to keep security get-go by keeping information technology on the start page.


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